Netball NSW Waratah Service Award

The Netball NSW Waratah Service Award is a prestigious honour, and bestowed to an individual who displays distinguished service to Netball NSW in the capacity of an organisational or operational volunteer for at least ten years.

The Board of Netball NSW initiated the Waratah Service Award in 2012, and it’s recognised by the broader NSW netballing community as one of the most esteemed acknowledgements from the State Body. With the exception of inaugural year, where two individuals were celebrated for their tireless contribution, only one Waratah Service Award is presented annually and announced at the Netball NSW Annual General Meeting.

Jean was a woman of grace, dedicated to the traditions of Netball NSW and the Waratah.  1991 Official Functions Convenor for the World Championships,1998 – currently Convenor of the Anne Clark Service Award Committee, 1970 – 2002 Member of various Netball NSW Committees, Delegate to Netball NSW Council for 29 years, Proxy Delegate for 7 years.  Recipient in 1978 the Anne Clark Service Award, 1983 Australia Day Sports Award, 1998 Member of the Order of Australia, 2000 the Australian Sports Medal all in recognition of Jean’s service to Netball.

*denotes deceased 


Helen has long been a dedicated member of Netball NSW whose expertise and dedication in the areas of the bench and the running of venues for State and State-Age Championships is second to none.  A quiet achiever who is always there. 1992-2008 Member of NSWNA Events Management Committee, 1992-1996 Member Scoring & Timing – Super / Mobile League, 1997-2007 Scorer for NNL Commonwealth Bank Trophy, 1995 National Accreditation as a Scorer, 1992 – 2008 Member of Scoring & Timing for international matches, Scorer for the ANZ Championship, 2004 Recipient of the Anne Clark Service Award.

Kate epitomizes what the word “volunteer” means in the true sense of the word, and what it means to give extraordinary and dedicated service over a very long period of time to Netball NSW.

Since early 1991, Kate has been heavily involved in the coaching and mentoring of umpires across New South Wales. Kate achieved her National A umpiring badge in 1991 and has gone on to not only maintain her skills at this level by being endorsed twice, but to more importantly use her skills so that many others in the State could benefit from her knowledge and expertise.
Kate was heavily involved in the conduct of umpiring accreditation courses for Netball NSW in and around the Central Coast area over many years, and when the family relocated, she continued this work in the Regions of Far North Coast and Mid North Coast.

In 1993, Kate was elected onto the then NSW Netball Association’s Umpires Committee, where she remained a member of approximately 12 years and to this date visits many Districts in country NSW to provide accreditation courses, coaching and mentoring to umpires of all levels.

Netball NSW is proud to announce long-time netball manager Jan Troy is the recipient of the 2014 Waratah Service Award.

Jan has managed teams across three major elite competitions, effectively being involved in the evolution of netball over the last 20 years.  Beginning as manager of Sydney Cenovis in 1994 as part of the MOBIL League, Jan also managed the Sydney TAB Swifts from 1997, a period during which the team claimed four Commonwealth Bank Trophy titles, including an unbeaten season in 2006.

When our sport evolved to the now-Trans Tasman Netball League – the ANZ Championship – Jan was there with the NSW Swifts as part of the inaugural 2008 Premiership team, continuing until the end of the 2010 season.

During this time Jan was also involved with the NSW State Teams, managing the NSW 17/U Team in 1997 and served back-to-back years with the NSW 21/U Team (1999-2000), and received an Australian Sports Medal for her service to NSW State Teams at the turn of the century.

Maureen has provided twelve years of service as a Manager for NSW State representative teams – commencing in 2005 when she was appointed Manager of NSW’s Open Team and has been in State Team role every year since, across a variety of age groups.

In addition to her role as Team Manager, Maureen has had a distinguished career as an umpire, umpire coach and selector at all levels of the sport. She was awarded the NSW “A” Grade Umpires’ badge in 1983 and was appointed as umpire for the NSW junior teams in 1985. 1990, Maureen was awarded the National “AA” umpire badge and has given willingly of her time to coaching umpires for their badges across many years.

Maureen is valued by Netball NSW for her reliability, dedication and ability to motivate those around her.

Lyn Burgess has been an active member of the netball community for the last 40 years, holding many Executive positions at her local Netball Association, Hills District. She was named the inaugural Honorary Archivist for Netball NSW, a role she has filled for the last 10 years. During this time, Burgess began from scratch sorting and categorising Netball NSW’s archives – many of which were kept in unmarked boxes – and covers a range of mediums, from hard copy and electronic documents and images, to preservation of sensitive documentation and uniforms.

Burgess led a team of volunteers who oversaw the completion of Netball NSW’s 80th Anniversary Book in readiness for the celebrations in 2009, which included being the direct contact for all affiliated NSW Netball Associations. During this time, Burgess has still had an active involvement with Hills District Netball Association and meets fellow Netball NSW Archivists each Wednesday at the Genea Netball Centre to continue their historical work.

A very strong advocate of netball in NSW for decades, particularly in the umpiring space, Ronda Kimble is an outstanding member of the wider NSW sports community. From 1980 to 1995 she was part of the Netball NSW Badging Panels, mainly testing for A Badges. Throughout the eighties she was a State umpire at Nationals and received her National AA Badge in 1991 and in the mid-nineties served as part of the screening panels for AA candidates.

Between 1986 and 1989 she served as the Executive Director of Netball NSW and since 2013 has been an NNSW Archivist and Convener of the Historical Panel. In 2000 she was awarded the Australian Sports Medal and in 2008 she also received an Order of Australia Medal in recognition of her services to netball.

Her “Guide for Club Umpires Convenors” was the basis for the creation of the NNSW Guide. She also assisted with the compilation of content for Netball NSW: The Modern Era (published 2009) and has been instrumental in establishing archiving procedures for the organisation.

Ellen Monaghan OAM (Newcastle Netball Association) is a very worthy Award winner. A stalwart of the game in the Newcastle region, Ellen has always had a passion for ensuring people with disabilities are given fair representation in sport too.

She was a foundation member of New South Wales' Netball Association's People With a Disability committee in 1988 and served on the committee to 2003. More recently Ellen has been team manager of the NSW Marie Little OAM Shield team, a position she has held continuously since 2013. The NSW side has won four National Championships since 2015, with Ellen playing a major role in each of them. 

Cathy Aird, a winner of the Australian Sports Medal and a Sport NSW Distinguished Long Service Award recipient, added the Waratah Service Award to the Anne Clark Award she received in 2006. 

She is a stalwart of the Baulkham Hills Shire Netball Association.

Anita is highly regarded in the broader netball community and has always contributed heavily through her own Club and the Eastwood Ryde Netball Association through coaching, mentoring, supporting players to gain their umpiring accreditation and encouraging representative players to take on coaching positions.

In 2007 Anita was awarded The Margaret Corbett OAM Coaches Award which rewards and acknowledges coaches that have demonstrated excellence in coaching.

Beverley Dew, who hails from the Manly Warringah Netball Association, has been a stalwart of the game for many decades. She received the Anne Clark Service Award in 2006 and the Order of Australia medal for services to netball in the same year

Duncan has been a part of the NNSW Umpiring fraternity for close to 25 years. He first started umpiring in Sutherland around 1980 and was award his A Badge in 2002. He was an integral part of the umpiring cohort on the Inter-District, the then State League competition and now the Netball NSW Premier League.