Competitions Reference Group

The Competitions Reference Group (‘CRG’) was formed in 2019 on the advice of Council, to act on behalf of members in the review of formats and to drive improvement across all competitions.
This page will provide information on all subgroups within the Competitions Reference Group, information and how to nominate to join the Competitions Reference Group.

With a view to enhancing the sophistication of Association engagement across all Netball NSW competitions and providing greater opportunities for feedback and collaboration, we have developed an affiliate-led sub-group structure, with an overarching management-led CRG. The overarching CRG will be underpinned by the following four sub-groups:
•	League Reference Group (including Premier League, Metro League, and Summer Series);
•	State Titles Reference Group (including Junior, Senior, and Masters); 
•	Regional Reference Group (including Regional League); and
•	Boys and Mens Reference Group.

These sub-groups will act in an advisory capacity, with a specific focus on their respective competition remit. Membership will be subject to an EOI process and appointments will be made in accordance with the respective Terms of Reference.  Discussion from each of these sub-groups will be fed into the overarching CRG which will be management-led and will be responsible for operational decision-making (and reporting through the Premier League Commission where relevant). Fundamentally, this serves as a mechanism for seeking regular feedback from members across all Netball NSW competitions, providing them with a targeted forum to provide input and ideas in relation to competitions structures and processes. 
Strong Association engagement is vital for any growth and change and this structure will provide feedback in a way that can be appropriately actioned.  Additional benefits to the new structure:
•	Increased Association involvement through greater number of positions;
•	Greater collaboration with Associations;
•	Targeted forums to collate true and current feedback that can drive future competitions;
•	Develops advocates within the wider community for all NNSW Competitions; and
•	Informs Management decisions in a way that reflects our members. 

Expressions of Interest for each of the respective sub-groups will open through the Netball NSW website and to Association contacts on Friday 13th September 2024.

Terms of Reference


Any queries regarding the above can be directed to Stacy Harding, Competitions Manager on