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The Online Bench Officials Education Course is a pre-requisite for all Bench Official accreditations.
At the conclusion of the Online Bench Officials Education Course, participants will be able to:
• Apply the competition rules and regulations that relate to Bench Officiating at Community, State, National or International game level.
• Perform all Bench Official duties in a professional and ethical manner.
• Use timing and scoring equipment and Umpire Alert Systems.
The Online Bench Officials Education Course is a free online course that is accessible all year.
Participants must successfully complete all modules of the Course to be awarded a pass mark.
There is no minimum age for a candidate to enrol in the Bench Officials Education Course.
A certificate is generated for all candidates who successfully pass the Course.
Bench Officials have an important role to play – they are responsible for ensuring the correct score is recorded, the correct time is played and other match details are recorded accurately.
The Netball Australia Bench Officials Accreditation Framework has been designed to assist the development of Bench Officials through a series of four accreditation levels that relate to the techniques required at the different levels of competition
The Netball Australia Bench Officials Manual is the official resource for Bench Officials and it is based on the World Netball Technically Officials Manual. It outlines the behavioural requirements and standards of the Bench Official role. Member Organisations are required to utilise these procedures and protocols when hosting National Netball Championships, Australian Netball League and Suncorp Super Netball.
Competition Level - Community
Requirement - Completion of Bench Officials Online Course
Rules of Netball exam - not required
Assessment - nil
Age requirement - nil
The Bench Officials Education Course has been designed to assist you in learning the skills and knowledge required to fulfil all Bench Official roles. Successful completion of the Bench Officials Education course will award your Foundation bench official accreditation is a pre-requisite for obtaining the Intermediate, Elite and High Performance Bench Officials Accreditation.
The course looks at:
*Community Scoring
*Bench Official 1
*Bench Official 2
*Bench Official 3 & 4
*Bench Official 5
Competition Level -
Metro League
Premier League
National Netball Championships
Requirements - Foundation Bench Official Accreditation
Rules of Netball Exam - 70% and above
Assessment - On an appropriate level game as approved by the Member Organisation
Age requirement - minimum age 16
Competition Level -
Premier League
SSN Matches
Australian Netball Championships
Requirements - Intermediate Bench Official accreditation
Rules of Netball Exam - 80% or above
Assessment - Assessment on two highest level matches within a state league competition and/or Netball Australia Championship matches
Age requirements - minimum age 16
Competition Level -
International test matches
Netball World Cup
Commonwealth Games
Requirements -
Elite Bench Official Accreditation held for 2 years or more
Two-year minimum officiating on SSN matches across all scoring & timing systems
Rules of Netball Exam - 90% or above
Assessment - Assessment on two (2) SSN matches Assessment on SSN scoring & timing system
Age requirement - Minimum age 18