Beyond the Court - Volunteers

Use this template to take a deep dive into how many volunteers your club/association needs

Ideas on how to recognise your volunteers for their help 

A draft thank you letter that you can adapt as you wish

How to plan for the next wave of volunteers

A draft welcome letter to send to new volunteers

Find out what your volunteers have enjoyed, made them thrive and if there are any gaps

Position descriptions for executive and committee roles that can be adapted to suit your club or association

A one-stop-shop, provided by the Australian Sports Commission, designed to bring together useful resources, tools and practical tips and tricks in one place.

Why strategic planning is important

To stimulate good practice for meetings amongst Committee Members

Know your facilities responsibilities 

Welcoming new committee members

Just like any team, a connected Committee leads to a successful Committee. As a leader of a Committee, you are just like a coach and responsible for the success of the Committee. Here are some ways to ensure your Committee is effective, collaborative and purposeful and your Committee members feel valued and supported.

To do this, meetings will require some planning and organisation.  Here are some tips to get the most out of your meetings

For Association Presidents

Please find below list of this years Presidents Connect Dates