HCF was humbled by the incredible entries to our Team Behind The Team promotion where we asked the netball community to nominate someone they know that goes above and beyond for the sport of netball.
We loved the story of Georgina, nominated by her friend Melissa, who as well as coaching, umpiring and being on the club committee one day gave her playing uniform to a younger team mate who had forgotten theirs. Literally giving someone the shirt off their own back - we love and celebrate that kind of Uncommon Care! HCF is proud to donate $5,000 to Georgina’s Lismore Bundjalarms Netball Club in recognition of Georgina’s extraordinary efforts.
We’re also proud to celebrate Erin, nominated by her friend Doug, for her incredible dedication and selfless service to her club and to Julie, nominated by her friend Narelle, for her more than 30 years’ contribution to grassroots netball. Erin and Julie have won for their clubs a fantastic player experience with some GIANTS and Swifts heroes respectively.